MME 4015 dersini alan öğrencilerin dikkatine

Basics of Employment Law Notes
Basics of Turkish Employment Law

Engineering Ethics Notes
Notes on Engineering Ethics
Mühendisler ve Mimarlar Odası Etik Kodu Çalışması

Academic Ethic and Literature Search Notes
Academic Ethic and Literature Search

Environmental Impact of Engineering Applications Notes
Environmental Impacts of Metallurgical Engineering

MME 4015 Application of Materials Processing and Design Course Schedule
Course Title Instructor Classroom and Date
Basics of Employment Law Assist. Prof. Dr. Çınar Öncel 26.09.2019 Thursday 12:30 Seminar Hall
Basics of Employment Law (Quiz) Assist. Prof. Dr.  Çınar Öncel 03.10.2019 Thursday 12:30 Classroom C103
Engineering Ethics Assist. Prof. Dr. Erdem Şahin 10.10.2019 Thursday 12:30 Seminar Hall
Academic Ethics and Literature Search Dr. Fatih Pişkin 18.10.2019 Friday 12:30 Seminar Hall
Lifelong Learning Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülhan Çakmak 22.10.2019 Tuesday 16:30 Seminar Hall
Project Management Assist. Prof. Dr. Aslı Çakır 30.10.2019 Wednesday 16:30 Seminar Hall
Environmental Impact of Engineering Applications Assist. Prof. Dr. Erdem Şahin 05.11.2019 Tuesday 16:30 Seminar Hall
Academic Presentation and Effective Poster Preparation Techniques Assist. Prof. Dr. Tolga Tavşanoğlu 14.11.2019 Thursday 16:30 Seminar Hall

Son Güncelleme : 04.03.2020 11:28 Okunma Sayısı : 1912

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